September 1, 2023
Test Weight
53.9-52 lb. | 1 cents per pound |
51.9-50 lb. | 3 cents per pound |
Under 50 lb. | 5 cents per pound |
5.1-7% | 2 cents each 1% |
7.1-10% | 3 cents each 1% |
10.1-15% | 4 cents each 1% |
over 15% | subject to rejection |
Foreign Material
3.1-5% | 2 cents each 1% |
5.1-6% | 3 cents each 1% |
Over 6% | 5 cents each 1% |
Other Grades
Aflatoxin | 25 cents |
Musty or Sour | 10 cents |
Weevils | 15 cents |
Drying | 15.1-24% | 4 cents/point |
24.1-30% | 6 cents/point | |
Drying - Storage | 14.1-24% | 4 cent/point |
24.1-30% | 6 cent/point | |
Shrink - Cash Sel | 15.1-30% | 1.40%/point |
Shrink- Storage | 14.1-30% | 1.40%/point |
*** All discounts are subject to change without notice
*** Cedar County Coop has the right to waive discounts
Warehouse Receipt Grain and post recorded grade
direct to Warehouse Receipt
Test Weight
53.9-53 lb | 1 cents |
52.9-52 lb | 2 cents |
51.9-51 lb | 4 cents |
50.9-50 lb | 6 cents |
49.9-40 lb | 10 cents |
48.9-48 lb | 14 cents |
Under 48 lb | 18 cents |
2.1-3% | 2 cents |
3.1-4% | 5 cents |
4.1-5% | 20 cents |
5.1-6% | 30 cents |
6.1-8% | 40 cents |
8.1-10% | 50 cents |
Over 10% | subject to rejection |
Foreign Material
over 1% deducted from gross lbs.
20.1-25% | 1 cent |
25.1-30% | 2 cents |
30.1-40% | 4 cents |
Over 40% | subject to rejection |
Beans for sale or storage will be shrunk at the rate of 2% per point of moisture above 13%